VfL Bochum - all scorers in the European club competitions (12 players)
Nr. | Land | Goals | Count of players, Top scorer |
1 | Germany | 6 | 6 players, Peter Peschel (1 goal) |
2 | Russia | 3 | 1 player, Sergei Yuran (3 goals) |
3 | Bulgaria | 2 | 1 player, Georgi Donkov (2 goals) |
4 | Poland | 2 | 2 players, Henryk Baluszynski (1 goal) |
5 | Turkey | 1 | 1 player, Norbert Hofmann (1 goal) |
6 | Croatia | 1 | 1 player, Zoran Mamic (1 goal) |
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